
Essay About Food: Consumption of Processed Food


Effects of Processed Foods Consumption on American’s Society

In many countries, the more food produced is, the more people eat, and this has been connected to weight gain because of the fats in processed foods. The United States records the highest number of people affected by obesity due to the increased consumption of junk foods. Processed food consumption has risen over the past thirty decades in the United States, and this has hugely contributed to some health defects. This is also encouraged by good enticing marketing tactics that encourage many people to overeat since it is how industries and malls generate profit. In the United States, some processed foods like pizza have an advertising budget of twenty million dollars. This is a drop in the ocean in comparison to what they make in return. Due to the economic changes, producers are faced with financial implications every year, and this calls for the need to improve financially. This results in the push to get the consumers to over-consume, and the end result is the obesity pandemic. (more…)

Essay on Art: Is Graffiti an Art?


Graffiti is used by several artists to express their opinions on certain ideas or issues that are in the society. The artist uses inscriptions of pictures and words ton convey their messages in public places. Graffiti began as inscriptions on ancient walls ruins in Greece and Rome. However, there is controversy regarding graffiti as a genre of art. The reasons for describing graffiti not as an art are its association with vandalism. Attributing to expression of mind and self by different people, graffiti is a form of art used to express social and political opinions. Thus, in my opinion graffiti should be considered art. (more…)

Poetry Sample: Sometimes the Words are So Close


In Julia Alvarez’s poem, “Sometimes the Words are So Close,” the writer tries to discover her potentiality but the main challenge is that she imagines the fact that she has not found her own voice. In line 4, she states that her life is still practicing for her real self. This is the first plausible reading. She later discovers that she can stand on her own and speak in her own voice. She finally started writing poems in her own inner voice, when she encourages the readers who have been in such difficulties to take heart from her. The writer began being factual about the passion in her work as a poet and writer. In “Sometimes the Words are So Close,” the writer, Julia Alvarez, showcases a situation in which a person undergoes the same kind of experience, hoping to be in two worlds at the same time, but he/she is in self-discovery as an individual. She discovers her inner voice and talks on behalf of all females who find their prowess, and all the happiness that comes with discovering oneself. This is the second plausible reading of the poem. It is more important than the first plausible reading because it leads to discovery of oneself.


Example of a Case Study: SWOT Analysis for Andara Bank


Indonesia’s microfinance industry is one of the biggest in the world with approximately 50,000 microfinance organizations serving a potential customer base of more than 40 million potential clients. However, approximately 52% of the clients are yet to access any banking services and almost half the people survive on less than US $2 per day.

One of the fundamental characteristics of Indonesia’s economy is self-employment. With more than 40 million individuals are self-employed in micro businesses but over 50% of them have no access to proper financial services. One of the major ways of alleviating poverty in such economic is through the utilization of microfinance systems, however it has not attained maximum capacity in Indonesia. (more…)

Presentation Paper Sample: Government Institutions


The United States federal government has three branches of government. The judiciary, the legislature and the executive are the three separate branches of the federal government. Among the three, the legislative branch is the most powerful. The president who is the chief executive executes his policies through congress. All legislation which facilitates the promises of a president must be passed by congress. The legislature vets judicial appointees. Indeed, the legislature can override actions taken by the other two branches of government.

Congressional Oversight and Powers

One of the most critical powers of congress is the power to impeach the president, vice president and other members of the executive. (more…)

Sample Research Proposal: Fingerprint Payment Technology


There has been a slow paced adoption of the biometrics across the world today. This has been as a result of various factors among them being the poor and inefficiency of the biometrics that were first used. Another point is the vendors who have often expressed moods that are over confident regarding the capabilities of the biometrics and more to this is the increasing concerns on the level and extent of security of the people especially given the fact that these biometrics data are stored by the government or companies’ data bases and the ultimate lack of care or interest in the business world and institutions to embrace this technology. Despite this fact, there is a growing traction for the use of biometrics especially in the accessing of control. Through the use of biometrics in access controls of corporate, various employees are now able to securely access buildings and other facilities by the use of their biometric data. Consumers and employees are even able to securely access their mobile phones, laptops and PCs by the use of biometric data which is unique to them only. The biometric application has gained a lot of popularity, with its application being utilized through the use of electronic passports and fingerprint payment. Globally, there are approximately over one hundred countries that are using the biometric applications. (more…)

Movie Essay on Classic Hollywood Cinema



Among the various cinematic conventions, which were practiced and being practiced in different periods of time, certain cinematic practices kind of made a revolutionary impact on the way films were made in those times. When a sizeable number of films were made during a particular period by following certain cinematic practices, those films were slotted under a particular term or even genre. Among the many terms or genres, Hollywood Classical cinema is the term given to the films that were made in the period from 1917 to 1960, which had a distinct feel and look. Although many of the films made during this period, emulated the cinematic practices of Classic Hollywood cinema, certain films also defied these conventions. Quite interestingly some films did both, that is, they emulated the conventions of the Classic Hollywood cinema in certain aspects, and then in other aspects defied those conventions. (more…)

Marketing Research Paper: McDonald’s Internal Stakeholders


McDonald’s mainly deals with the sales of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chickens, French fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes and desserts (McDonald’s par. 2). The company also introduced salads, fish, wraps, smoothies and fruits to satisfy the increasing needs of the customers. The company will be introducing butchery services (selling of raw meat products) to its line of business. This service will be introduced with an aim of attracting new clients and to generate more revenue for the company. This paper examines the internal stakeholders of the firm with the objective of establishing their relevance to the organization. The main objective of this paper is therefore be to find out the significance that internal stakeholders have to the firm as well as the responsibility of the organization to these stakeholders. (more…)

Character Analysis Essay of Elle Woods from Legally Blonde


Elle Woods


This paper reviews the psychology of Elle Woods. Elle Woods is a character in the fictional movie Legally Blonde based on a 2002 novel by Amanda Brown. This review will encompass the theories found in Bernardo J. Carducci’s book, the psychology of personality.

The Plot of the Movie

Woods is the protagonist in the fictional movie. At the beginning of the movie, she is head over heels in love with her boyfriend Warner Huntington. Woods hopes that Huntington will marry her but he breaks up with her claiming that she is not serious enough for him to marry her. (more…)

Research Essay: Hitler and Japan


Adolf Hitler was a political leader in German who ruled under the direction of the Nazis control. Adolf Hitler managed to stay in power due to the allegiance of the State police (SS) and the German secret state police (Gestapo) who swore to protect the Nazis from whoever came against their rules and control.

The state police and the Gestapo were a military power who used force and violence to punish whoever tried to go against the leader of the Nazis German or against the infamous leader Hitler. The secret states police were criminal investigative police officers who used to persecute offences and crimes which were committed against the state itself. (more…)

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