
Teen Pregnancy Essay

Do you agree with the statement that the TV show “16 and pregnant” promotes teen pregnancy?


Teenage pregnancy is a worldwide problem. According to a study conducted by UNICEF (2008), more than 4 million women in 2008, ages 15 to 19, are victims of teenage pregnancy. Note that UNICEF defines teenage pregnancy as pregnant women from ages 13 to 19. The study further shows that there are diverse factors that influence the rate of teenage pregnancy. One of these factors is inappropriate adolescent sexual behaviour. Wright (2011) explains that such behaviour is greatly affected by the mass media. Accordingly, TV shows could affect teenage sexual behaviour. “16 and Pregnant,” is a TV show that continuously attracts researchers and critiques due to the nature of its media contents. Some people argue that it promotes teenage pregnancy while others argue otherwise. This essay argues that “16 and Pregnant” does not promote teenage pregnancy.

Family Essay: Role Of Family Across Different Ethnic Groups

The word ‘family’ was originally used to refer to the household servants in late Middle English and across the world this has not changed for many, as family is seen as a line of connected workers whose aim it is to sustain the older generation.



Example of Essay: The Law Of The Sea

The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 year is a system-forming document in which the US was one of the key participants. Ideological priorities and Republican administration foreign policy change became the cause to refuse to ratify it. Notwithstanding, the US period of nonalignment policy led to the reconsideration of some articles in the additional Agreement of 1994 and to the production of statement and declaration list.



Lord of the Rings Summary

Name the most persistent myth from The Lord of the Rings believed by the people who watched films only.


“I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened”. (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)

HIV Essay: Misdiagnosis Of HIV Among Elderly Patients


HIV has become a growing concern among the elderly population in the US, as nearly 10 percent of all Americans affected by this deadly condition are over the age of 50. Most importantly, HIV infections often remain misdiagnosed among the elderly due to several reasons. In order to gain a better insight into this problem, we will consider the main factors that lead to the misdiagnosis of HIV in elderly patients. (more…)

Sample Medical School Essays: Doctors’ Concentration on Patient’s Health

Doctors Should Not Focus on Profitable Activities Such as Plastic Surgery or Looking After Rich Patients and Concentrate More on Patient’s Health


Have you ever had a minute to think and answer the question: «What is the greatest value of my life?» I am convinced that sparing some time on inner thinking can give a person the chance to sort out many problems in his soul. But most of us are too busy to think because we are all addicted to earning money. (more…)

Social Media Essay: Digital Tools

Does abundance of digital tools increase our work productivity or lessen it?


Nobody can imagine today’s world without digital tools. We use them everywhere, and they tremendously help us to increase the work productivity. The sphere of digital equipment usage is being widening, and it seems that the trends will continue in the direction of digitalization of our life, and our work in particular. The usage of recent digital technologies gives organizations undeniable advantages in today’s fast changing world, the managers in the organizations understand this and try their best to use as much as possible the opportunities the digital world gives.

News Essay: Do We Become Used to Bad News?

Are we becoming emotionally numb due to the amount of tragic news reported every day? Should news agencies focus more on good news and omit bad ones?


Mass media influence people’s attitude to community and life. They saturate the industrialized world. The television is in the living room; the newspaper is on the doorstep; the radio is in the car; the computer is at work; the fliers are in the mailbox. These are just a few of the media channels which daily deliver people’s opinion, announcement, information, music, and other forms of mass communication. (Jennifer Akin, 2005)

Drug Abuse Essay: Crystal Meth Problem


Crystal Methamphetamine is an addictive drug, which stimulates a person’s central nervous system, all parts of his brains, and, accordingly, his activity. Crystal Methamphetamine was first used for military purposes (as a means for soldiers’ fatigue and weariness relief and vigilance increase), and then it became wide-spread in medical practice (in medicine for weight loss, attention concentration, sexual disorders treatment etc.). Regular drug intake leads to Crystal Meth dependence and increase of its dosage demand. The constant drug usage results into malnutrition, insomnia, skin drying and ulcers, impotence, depression of an abuser (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2013).

Marketing Essay on Branding Strategy of Starbucks

Why Starbucks’ Coffee Is So Popular


Starbucks is a huge corporation. We can buy its coffee all over the world. And there must be a secret of its popularity and success. As we know, the company was originated in Seattle, Washington in 1971 as a purveyor of dark roasted coffee beans and coffee merchandise (Seaford, 2012). Since that time a lot has changed but ones still unchangeable – Starbucks and its success. As for me, we can define it by the next way: success = branding strategy + positioning of Starbucks.

The marketing success of Starbucks is legion. The Starbucks revolution transformed gourmet coffee from a yuppie status symbol into a mainstream consumer good (Thompson, 2004). So, Starbucks became a nonpareil brand in coffeehouses for a generation (Kaplan, 2014). As far as we see, Starbucks popularity is closely connected with its brand.

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