Force majeure is a phrase used to describe various lawful activities. It describes the laws established in a circumstance or event. Different religions have put in place various laws for adherence by the believers. These laws make up the force majeure in a religion perspective. Countries can also establish various laws for citizens to follow. These laws vary with every jurisdiction in a country. It can also fall under different contract signing regarding obligatory parties. Islam force majeure laws are listed in the Quran, with every law justifying the essence of the religion. Force Majeure has enabled many business parties to negotiate beneficial clauses in contracts. The most significant clause relating to force majeure is the hardship clause. This clause helps the overburdened party to renegotiate the stipulation in the contract. (more…)
Harbutt, F. J. (2010). Yalta 1945: Europe and America at the Crossroads. New York: Cambridge University Press.
On February 4, through to February 11, 1945, the three big allied leaders came together and held a conference, commonly referred to as The Yalta Conference, in Crimea in Russia during World War II. These three big leaders were Franklin D. Roosevelt, the U.S. President at the time, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and British Premier Winston Churchill. They discussed the fate of Europe, its re-organization after the World War II. The conference’s main aim was to come up with ways of re-establishing the nations that had been destroyed and conquered by Germany. Important resolutions concerning the impending direction of the wartime and the post-war world were reached. When these leaders came to the conference they knew well beforehand that a victory in Europe for the Allied Nations was inevitable; however, they were much less convinced of the ending of the Pacific war. Great Britain and the United States recognized that defeating the might of the Japanese would take more protracted fight; thus they hoped to seek the participation of the Soviet Union, something that they saw as a strategic advantage in the Pacific theatre. (more…)
Compare the Social Political and Business Cultures around the World and How They Relate To Doing Business on a Multinational Level
The social and cultural influences on international marketing are immense. Differences in social conditions, religion and material culture all affect consumers’ perceptions and patterns of buying behavior. As a result, this area is crucial in determining the extent to which consumers across the world are analogous or diverse. It also establishes the likelihood for world branding and homogeny. Cultural differences, and especially language differences, have a significant impact on the way people use a product may, in a market, the product’s brand name and its advertising campaign. Operating effectively, in different countries, requires the recognition that there may be considerable differences, in the different regions. On the other hand, some market analysts argue that there are visible signs that social and cultural differences are becoming less of a barrier that was the previous case. However, it is important not to confuse globalization of brands with the homogenization of cultures. There are a large number of global brands, but even these have to manage cultural differences between and within national boundaries. (more…)
Mikes Bikes is a company that has been there in the bikes industry since 1964 in Marin County’s. It has continued to grow despite the fact that biking has changed dramatically within years. The intention and the mission of the company are to get as many people on the bikes as possible. This dream is slowly getting realized with the designs made by the bike industry accommodating both women and children into biking. The company opened its first shop in Schwinn and now it has become a household name and mother to many other bike shops in the country. The company is at its growth stage in the organizational cycle, and it has expanded from the first shop the founders bought from Dave Kaplan to many store, which sell their bicycles in states such as Petaluma, San Rafael, Sausalito, San Francisco, Berkeley, Palo Alto, Los Gatos, Sacramento, Walnut Creek and its most current stores in San Jose and Pleasanton. (more…)
Executive Summary
‘Public Relations’ is a complex of techniques and methods regarding image management and the accomplishment of various activities in an organization. These methods enforce themselves in an evolving world, characterized by interdependencies, diversity on a level of socio-economic together with disputes and instability. PR adds to the betterment of an organization and the interest of the public whether it exists in a public or private area. In short, there is an alignment between the interest of an organization with the desires and problems of its public. If the whole organization has a good image within its public, the organization will enjoy a sympathetic attitude from the public aimed towards its action, which will assist it exceed crises (Bernays, 2004). Underneath the situations, communications conveyed through PR provides a number of ways of expressing the intentions, achievements and position of an organization. (more…)
The Relationship between Company Profits and Labor Unions
In most cases, labor unions affect company profits negatively. Companies with unionized employees tend to make less money than they would have if their employees were not members of these labor unions. The whole purpose of forming labor unions is to cater to the needs of the employees, by ensuring that they receive high wages and are treated properly by their employers.
Some people argue that labor unions organize the labor market and ensure the prosperity of everyone. This is not true. They try to ensure the prosperity of the middle class, often at the expense of companies and the upper class. Others still argue that they ensure healthy capitalism by balancing the interests of different shareholders. These include the customers, employees, society and the environment. They argue that they do this by regulating the amount of profit made by companies (Blodget). This is not true. Although they benefit their members, unions are harmful, not only to companies, but to the economy as well. (more…)
Ethics in professionalism is an important aspect in every field of profession. Accounting profession is the one field in which ethics and moral values play essential roles, so as to ensure there is effectiveness in the way clients are dealt with. This paper looks into ethical considerations in accountancy, with basis placed on a cartoon extract. A discussion on issues highlighted from the cartoon extract is presented, based on ethics in the accounting profession. A number of ethical issues are identified and discussed herein. It concludes by giving a view on how ethics in accounting is important and play a fundamental role in delivery of services in accountancy. (more…)
When someone asks me to give an example of a controversial issue, the first one that usually comes to my mind is abortions. Although thousands of articles representing opposite points of view have already been published, and numerous of debates in regard of this topic have been held, the question remains opened: whether we should consider abortion as immoral action or not? According to the assignment, we should imagine that medical technologies have reached a point when it is possible to move a fetus any time during pregnancy and to put it into an artificial uterus without causing any harm to both the women and the baby. So, within a framework of this paper, I will try to look at this new medical technology from the perspective of opponents and defenders of abortions in order to suppose whether their opinion about abortions would change with this newly invented medical procedure. (more…)
Background and significance
a. New process: Use of Complementary/Alternative Medicine
Women with breast cancer can make use of Complementary/ Alternative Medicine (CAM) in treating this disease. In the United States of America and numerous other parts of the globe, CAM has become a major treatment of breast cancer. Many patients are spending a lot of money in applying this method as a way of treating this chronic disease. In this proposal, I am suggesting alternative medicine as a way of treating breast cancer. There is increased use of CAM because many patients are finding it effective. They do not have risks, and the cost is relatively low. CAM is medical intervention that includes a number of treatment methods like chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage therapy. Even though, this method is widely used in United States, there are concerns that his method is suppressing the use of conventional medicine. The clients of CAM may be tempted to use herbs, supplements, and non-conventional that can lead to a number of side effects. (more…)
The Charioteer of Delphi
The Charioteer of Delphi is one of the greatest Greek statue or sculpture artworks still surviving for over 2500 years (The Scribe, 2007). It portrays the driver of a chariot in a race at a moment he presents the chariot to the spectators after his victory around 470 BC. The sculpture is cast in bronze, measures 5 feet tall, and is currently displayed in Delphi Museum. Its title is the “The Charioteer of Delphi” (The Scribe, 2007). It represents the shift from archaic contracts to the classical concepts. The general appearance is of a man holding the horse cords. It demonstrates the balance between idealized realism and formalized geometric image; thus illustrating the beginning of western civilization. (more…)