
Research Sample Paper: Rwandan Genocide


Role and Actions of the International Community During Genocide in Rwanda


Genocide is the unlawful act of destruction wholly or part of a certain religion, nation, or an ethnic group in a much deliberate or intended manner. The ultimate goal is to finish the members of the target religion, nation, or ethnic group by way of mass killing and other forms of property mass destruction (Chalk & Kurt, 1990, p87).

The Rwandan Genocide broke up from the two major ethnic groups in the country in April 1994, after several years of continued conflict between the two groups. The Hutus and the Tutsi developed different economic, political, and social perspectives in 1992, following a division spearheaded by then president, Habyarimana who was a Hutu. After a constant period of conflict, the Tutsi shot down president Habyarimana while he was travelling in his plane 1994. The two groups spontaneously lost the sense of humanity and decided to start the war. (more…)

Philosophy Term Paper Example


Modern Philosophy Refutation of Berkeley by Dr. Samuel Johnson

Philosophy where it can be said to be the study of wisdom and truth. It is the usual expectation by many that those with extensive experience in philosophy will have more peace of mind than their unknowledgeable counterparts. On the contrary, it is widely the case that those considered as laymen are less disturbed mentally and are as such less of skeptics. They question less and take it easy with questionable knowledge and facts or ideas put forth by various scholars. Quest for knowledge on some of the common sense things sometimes ends up in new knowledge while at times it is an exercise in futility only bringing us back to the same starting point or even in a bigger confusion. (more…)

Dissertation Sample on Psychology


Amphetamine Use is Related to an Increase in Depression & Anxiety in School-aged Children


Amphetamines are stimulants that reduce fatigue, and give the body a feeling of vigor within a short time. Medics discourage the use of amphetamines owing to the high addiction level. The dosage for adults is different from the dosage in children owing to the different capabilities of the body to sustain the tablets, crystals, or powder. People can smoke, sniff, or ingest amphetamines because of the packaging of the stimulants (Poirier, Micallef & Blin 2004). Amphetamine particles have many effects on people who use the substances and the reaction is almost double in school-aged children from childhood to teenage years, children face depression and anxiety, which amphetamines augment and pose risk in futuristic years. (more…)

Academic Essay Example on Architecture


Introduction to Urban Planning

1. Transportation planning: induced demand.  Think about traffic movement after some freeway constructions.

One of the key aspects that are being considered nowadays as part of Transportation Planning is “induced demand”. “Induced demand”, used particularly in transportation and urban planning perspective, is a phenomenon which focuses on how expansion of the transportation systems including construction of freeways, widening of roads, etc., instead of easing the traffic, would lead to more utilization by the users, thereby leading to more traffic congestions and urban sprawls. The freeway I-270, when laid in Washington, became the perfect example of “induced demand”, because after its construction greater number of people wanted to use it than earlier. With Washington becoming a highly congested area, people with their vehicles thronged this freeway and it led to more congestion on it. Likewise, Phoenix 40 also became a congested freeway due to further freeway additions, although it wanted to avoid those additions not wanting to become another Los Angeles. (more…)

Analysis Paper Sample: Women as Influential


Advertisements have changed the real picture and the reality of nature, as it is, is slowly fading in people’s mind. It portrays pictures of different people and sex differently – each sex has a role to play in making a specific advert. In this regard, it is possible that the kind of exposure people get from adverts about women can shape or distort our contact with reality. Women are portrayed in almost all ads to be beautiful and having fine bodies. Adverts related to lotions, hairstyles, and all body appliances portray women to be the most beautiful beings in the world. Everyone has seen naked pictures of some women advertising a product (Berger and Guiroz 178). The pictures portray women as very influential ones because they pull a crowd to the advert, which finally becomes a very big business. In almost all secular songs that musicians produce these days, naked women dancing to the music are believed to be the force that gangs support for the artist. (more…)

Sample of Research Paper on Political Science


The United States Intelligence System: Cuban Missile Crisis Aand Pearl Harbor

During the Middle Ages of the Cold War, the United States of America and the Soviet Union had a lot of tensions between each other. Сuba is perfectly situated country near the USA, and the Soviets decided to use it in their needs, more specifically, to make any kind of threats against the United States. What are the relations between the United States and Soviet Union? Was Cuba a second role player? Also, the more specific points about the history of the Cuban missile crisis can widely open our eyes on the situations, which have taken place in the 1962. Also, the actions of intelligence in Pearl Harbor were very important in case of estimating of intelligence systems and agencies. (more…)

MLA Style Research Paper Sample


In the article Hearsay: the road to reform (Murphy), the author P. Murphy outlines the development of the hearsay rule and challenges the proposed reforms.

The non-conservative nature of this article is overwhelming. The author does not oppose new reforms to the general rule against hearsay, but rather the arm of government which should be mandated with the making of such reforms and the caution to be exercised when coming up with such reforms. He reviews the history of the hearsay rule and assesses arguments for reform.

The article suggests that the hearsay rule has not always been static. It has changed over time. It is a common law rule; it was developed by the judges in the English courts. (more…)

Business Paper: Operation Management


Essay Questions

1. Define operations management. Is it true that good operations management is the most important part in manufacturing or service industries?

Operations Management is a branch of management that deals with the design and management of products, processes, services and the overall supply chain. It focuses on the acquisition, deployment, and development of the resources that the firms require to deliver the products and services that their consumers require. This concept is important since it ensures that a firm is efficient and effective in how it handles its resources. A good knowledge of operations management is more important in service industries since they use more resources such as the machines and the number of processes, which require efficient running. Manufacturing companies achieve a high level of efficiency through the adoption of operations management. (more…)

Depression Essay Sample on Prozac


Serotonin played an essential role in the treatment of depression and the enhancement of neurotransmission. It would be a viable mechanism in enhancing antidepressant response. There was an effort to develop agents that inhibit the uptake of serotonin from synaptic cleft. As a result, there was a study that led to the development of different serotonin reuptake inhibitors referred to as fluoxetine hydrochloride. This was the approved treatment for depression as indicated by the US FDA, a body that approves all treatments in the United States (Jack & Ali, 2010). The development of fluoxetine hydrochloride faced a number of challenges that led to a breakthrough in the process of the discovery of the drug. (more…)

IT Sample Case Study: The Ideal HPC Programming Language


Eugene Loh, in his article, “The ideal HPC programming language,” explores the fundamental features of a programming language that make it ideal for high productivity computing (HPC) programming and concludes that FORTRAN is satisfactorily adequate for HPC programming. Loh (2010) has noted that some programming challenges arise, not due to the shortcomings of a programming language, but rather due to other factors such as inadequacy of the programmer and limitations of the hardware and compiler. Nonetheless, Loh (2010) contends that some of the challenges are posed by weaknesses in a programming language, and as such, new programming for HPC is necessary. (more…)

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