
«Sister Carrie» Summary: Nature in the Novel

Sister Carrie Summary

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How is nature depicted in Theodore Dreiser’s novel?

Sister Carrie is a wonderful story in series which describe the American dream and this novel shows spirit of naturalism.  America has wonderful and picturesque landscapes. American cities such as New York and Chicago were symbols of possibility for a rural population of American dreamers in pursuit of happiness. Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carry is a very deep and interesting masterpiece which concerns with American city.  The author depicted real scenes of life, especially in New York and Chicago. His main heroine, Carrie Meeber, imagined the city like a place where she could find happiness and more positive future. Theodore Dreiser described Chicago very detailed. (more…)

Biographical Essay: Otto von Bismarck

Biographical Essay on Otto von Bismarck

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Why is Otto von Bismarck not idolized as a national hero?

There is no doubt that the person of Otto von Bismarck occupies one of the central places in the history of the German state. This legendary man became the first Chancellor of Germany, who, eventually, managed to unite Germany in a single unitary state. In fact, only half a century ago, Germany was a conglomerate of German-speaking mini-states. Nevertheless, despite the prominent role of the “Iron Chancellor”, in the formation of the German state as such, in general, Otto von Bismarck is not idolized as a national hero. (more…)

Computer Science Papers: Essay About Python

Computer Science Paper

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Can Python be called a dying language? How long will it take for this language to disappear?

Before focusing on answering the question, it is important to consider the most recent statistics in the last three years (Perkel, 2015). (more…)

Women’s Rights Essay

Women's Rights Essay

How did the role of women in society change during the years of the Weimar Republic?

The Weimar Republic (1919-33) was a period in the history of Germany experiencing great changes in the politics as well as in social and cultural life. New political system and significant historic events (the First World War (1914-18) and the German Revolution (1918-19)) gave a start to many changes, in particular in gender roles.   (more…)

Literary Analysis Essay: «Lolita» by Vladimir Nabokov

Literary Analysis Essay

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Why Do Some People Enjoy Reading Lolita?

Vladimir Nabokov’s novel “Lolita” is perhaps one of the most controversial pieces of literature ever written. Stripped to its very core, it is a story of a pedophile obsessed by a 12-year old girl. The main idea of this novel is harshly condemned by the modern society, and yet, many readers thoroughly enjoy reading the Nabokov’s work. This paper tries to establish the reasoning behind that fact. (more…)

Art Essay on Patronage System

Art Essay

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How did the art patronage system work during the Renaissance?

This essay will provide a short overview of the relationship between artists and patrons during the Renaissance, with particular focus on Florence in Italy. I will argue that the work of many artists of the period developed according to the tastes and priorities of their patrons and so the system of patronage was central to the evolution of European fine arts both inside and outside of the Roman Catholic Church. (more…)

«Life of Pi» Analysis


Explain the symbol of the island in the Life of Pi

As we look back at the history of our civilization, people’s lives used to be given much more spiritual meaning. Its main purpose was to provide higher values in various moments and events of our journey. We can provide a statement, that religion is the tool that supports our spirit. Religion fills our lives with faith in morality, honesty and spirituality. Yann Martel’s novel Life of Pi is an allegory which proves that “a story with God is the better story” (ABCNews, 2012). By the end of the book, the reader learns about the true counterparts of the shipwrecked crew. Yet still, the book has a lot of unrevealed secrets. One of them is a carnivorous island which produced gastric juices by night and devoured its inhabitants. (more…)

Economics Paper: Steppes People and Empires

How come that steppes people overthrew so many empires?

Steppes people are the people and the societies which, because of their beliefs, did not accept having a permanent place of residence. The nomadic way of life is conditioned by livestock, hunting, and fishing, and we should mention sea nomads as well. (more…)

Literary Analysis Essay

Mysterious Symbolic Meaning of Angels in Thomas Wolfe’s Novel

Look Homeward, Angel is the first and the most famous novel by Thomas Wolf, which was published in 1929 in New York. It is considered as an autobiographical American Bildungsroman, which is a “class of novel that deals with the maturation process”  (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica). Through the whole novel we see a presence of angels. We meet with them for the first time when Eugene’s father, as a 15-year-old boy, walked past the shop and saw “granite slabs of death, carved lambs and cherubim, and an angel poised upon phthisic feet” (Wolf, p. 2). (more…)

House of Cards Analysis


Are there any real world events similar to what is shown in ‘House of Cards’? 

House of Cards USA is unquestionably a copy of House of Cards UK. We see clear similarities between the two with regards to character names and plot. Beyond the similarities between the two versions however, is the even deeper and almost eerie similarities between House of Cards (HoC) and real life political events. So is this a classic example of art imitating life or vice versa or is it mere coincidence? Are viewers being a bit zealous, salivating at the idea that they can somehow predict the outcome of the current political campaign and landscape?

House of Cards Analysis

Photo by Sigmund from Unsplash


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