Research Papers Samples

Movie Essay on Classic Hollywood Cinema



Among the various cinematic conventions, which were practiced and being practiced in different periods of time, certain cinematic practices kind of made a revolutionary impact on the way films were made in those times. When a sizeable number of films were made during a particular period by following certain cinematic practices, those films were slotted under a particular term or even genre. Among the many terms or genres, Hollywood Classical cinema is the term given to the films that were made in the period from 1917 to 1960, which had a distinct feel and look. Although many of the films made during this period, emulated the cinematic practices of Classic Hollywood cinema, certain films also defied these conventions. Quite interestingly some films did both, that is, they emulated the conventions of the Classic Hollywood cinema in certain aspects, and then in other aspects defied those conventions. (more…)

Marketing Research Paper: McDonald’s Internal Stakeholders


McDonald’s mainly deals with the sales of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chickens, French fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes and desserts (McDonald’s par. 2). The company also introduced salads, fish, wraps, smoothies and fruits to satisfy the increasing needs of the customers. The company will be introducing butchery services (selling of raw meat products) to its line of business. This service will be introduced with an aim of attracting new clients and to generate more revenue for the company. This paper examines the internal stakeholders of the firm with the objective of establishing their relevance to the organization. The main objective of this paper is therefore be to find out the significance that internal stakeholders have to the firm as well as the responsibility of the organization to these stakeholders. (more…)

Research Essay: Hitler and Japan


Adolf Hitler was a political leader in German who ruled under the direction of the Nazis control. Adolf Hitler managed to stay in power due to the allegiance of the State police (SS) and the German secret state police (Gestapo) who swore to protect the Nazis from whoever came against their rules and control.

The state police and the Gestapo were a military power who used force and violence to punish whoever tried to go against the leader of the Nazis German or against the infamous leader Hitler. The secret states police were criminal investigative police officers who used to persecute offences and crimes which were committed against the state itself. (more…)

Analysis Paper Example: Job Hazard



For effective operations of any business, worker’s safety should be considered. Workers are the engines of the business and under good health working conditions; their efficiency is bound to be high. Job hazard analysis enables the management of a company identify the dangers, which the workers get exposed to and learn of how to make the necessary adjustments.


Job hazard analysis applies in every occupation, as there is no job without health risks. The welding job has many dangers associated with it as it involves the use of gas flames. Hazard analysis is made to avert certain tragedies associated with the hazards. The hazards affect the welders alongside other people for example in case of an explosion. (more…)

Science Research Paper on Wind Energy


Wind as an Important Source of Non-Conventional Energy


Global pressure is on the rise to embrace sustainable energy sources which are also convenient in terms of economic considerations. With many industries coming up and increased need of energy supply thereof, more inventions into power production are introduced. Many energy sources are available across the world and wind energy has, in the contemporary days, gained popularity. Wind energy production dates back to 1970’s upon development of wind turbines by NASA. These were to be used for the purpose of power production. It has emerged that wind power generation has many advantages compared to a number of other power generation means (Janardhan & Fesmire, 2011 pg 1 p 2). Wind energy is an important source of non-conventional energy which is economical, pollution free, environmentally-friendly, and socially advantageous. (more…)

International Business Research Paper Sample


Compare the Social Political and Business Cultures around the World and How They Relate To Doing Business on a Multinational Level

The social and cultural influences on international marketing are immense. Differences in social conditions, religion and material culture all affect consumers’ perceptions and patterns of buying behavior. As a result, this area is crucial in determining the extent to which consumers across the world are analogous or diverse. It also establishes the likelihood for world branding and homogeny. Cultural differences, and especially language differences, have a significant impact on the way people use a product may, in a market, the product’s brand name and its advertising campaign. Operating effectively, in different countries, requires the recognition that there may be considerable differences, in the different regions. On the other hand, some market analysts argue that there are visible signs that social and cultural differences are becoming less of a barrier that was the previous case. However, it is important not to confuse globalization of brands with the homogenization of cultures. There are a large number of global brands, but even these have to manage cultural differences between and within national boundaries. (more…)

Art History Research Paper on Greek Art

Art History Research Paper on Greek Art

The Charioteer of Delphi

The Charioteer of Delphi is one of the greatest Greek statue or sculpture artworks still surviving for over 2500 years (The Scribe, 2007). It portrays the driver of a chariot in a race at a moment he presents the chariot to the spectators after his victory around 470 BC. The sculpture is cast in bronze, measures 5 feet tall, and is currently displayed in Delphi Museum. Its title is the “The Charioteer of Delphi” (The Scribe, 2007). It represents the shift from archaic contracts to the classical concepts. The general appearance is of a man holding the horse cords. It demonstrates the balance between idealized realism and formalized geometric image; thus illustrating the beginning of western civilization. (more…)

Medical Research Papers: Medication Safety

Medication Safety and Impact of Medication Errors on the Healthcare Industry


Background Information

The institute of medicine (IOM) in 2006 reported that between 380,000 and 450,000 of preventable adverse drug events (ADEs) are experienced in hospitals annually, with the largest proportion of events related to prescribing and administration of medication. Despite the high number and intensity of the training and subsequent vetting that medical professionals undergo, yet healthcare is the most dangerous sector in the world. This state requires an observer to consider the level of complexity of medical practice in order to have a deep insight into this concern. Cima and Clarke (2012) argue that a frontline medical practitioner encounters new medications, new procedures, new research evidence and new technology to integrate in practice. Patients, on the other hand, are increasingly becoming complicated requiring a proportionate increase in diversity of health care workers. Nevertheless, delivering dependable care has never been more challenging than it is now. (more…)

Business Research Paper Sample – Oil Spills Economics


Writing a research paper can be a difficult time consuming task for students. A research paper is an essential element in academic writing. There are a lot of academic writing tips that will help you to write your business research paper correctly. First of all, choose an appropriate theme for your work, it should be interesting and catching, not only for you, but for your audience.

Below you will find a business research paper sample that was composed by our team of professional and experienced writers. Moreover, this business research paper sample will be help to those students who have a lack of time or poor academic writing skills.

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Oil spills economics
These articles entail a reflection of the coastline pollution by BP Oil Company. A massive oil spillage contaminates the waters of the ocean. Consequently, the contamination affects the economic productivity of the locality in an immense degree (Hargreaves, 1). The spillage results from the leakages in the company that flows to the ocean waters. The spillage has a major impact on tourism.


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