
Evaluation Essay: Should Global Companies Adapt To National Peculiarities?


Yes. This decision will be based on the company’s due diligence when considering locating a facility in the selected nation. During the process, the company has begun establishing a presence in the community by coordinating with the local civic organizations. The due diligence includes relationship building with the community, introducing the company through an awareness campaign, which typically begins with the potential for bringing new jobs to the locale.


Fill Your Technical Resume with All the Information Needed

Most IT specialists and recent graduate students consider their technical achievements the most important points to mention on their technical resumes. As a result, most of the technical resumes look like a shopping list of certificates. In this post, we have prepared useful tips to develop your technical resume.

Understand What Grabs Attention

Remember one simple rule: most HR-managers read only the first half page of a resume and then decide whether they should continue reading or put it aside. Therefore, all the important information should be on the first part of your page. (more…)

History Essay Example: Ruins

Is it a good idea to reconstruct historical attractions, so they will bring in more tourists?


What does it really mean to be authentic? The idea of having things that are “true” and “real” is very prevalent in these times.  There seems to be a strong distaste in current Western society for any venture that is attempting to recapture aspects of a past era seamlessly. For this reason, governments would not be able to undergo a simple reconstruction of their buildings with the most historic significance owing to authenticity issues, public backlash, and an overall mental dissonance with the culture that originally produced the structures in question.

Why It’s Important to Be Yourself?


“Always be yourself.” You’ve heard this phrase a lot from your family, friends, or teachers. However, do you know why it’s important to be yourself? Have you ever thought why you should stay unique and not copy anyone else? Why you should not imitate your role models or people who are more engaging then you? We’ve prepared a post about why you should be yourself and not someone else. (more…)

Critical Review of an Article: Why is it Necessary to Read the Classics?


One obvious reason is to know how ancient European civilizations functioned. A less obvious reason is the influence the classics have on our modern life. In his play Oedipus the King (Sophocles ‘The Oedipus Trilogy. Waxkeep Publishing. Retrieved from Amazon Com.), Sophocles examines parricide and incest, taboo practices that are still enforced and punishable today. (more…)

Psychology Essay: Psychological Profile Of The Serial Killer


What makes serial killers kill? It turns out they have common traits that help mold them into repeated sadistic murderers. This paper focuses on three traits shared by serial killers: (1) bad childhoods; (2) neurological problems; and (3) violent fantasies.


Japan Essay


If you’ve decided to study in Japan or if you’re still debating the idea in your mind, then the following guide is definitely for you. We’ve prepared some basic information about Japan, its cities and interesting programs that are available for foreign students. So sit back, relax and start reading about studying in Japan.


Japan is a little country about the size of the state of Montana. However, the country is home to 128 million people. The capital of the city, Tokyo, is situated in the biggest metropolitan area in the world: Tokyo Area, which includes a few nearby prefectures. (more…)

Sample College Essay: Women In Gothic Literature

How Are Women Depicted And Treated In Gothic Literature?


Over the course of its history, for the most past, the gothic genre was not particularly known for well-written female characters of any emotional depth. However, as time moved on, things started changing to an extent – a trend that made the history of the genre development popular in the field of feminine studies. They grew larger and more complex, even managed to grow up enough to eventually become the main characters. But from where they had to start, it was a long road with many different intermediate stops.

College Essay Sample on Feminism Literature


“Feminism”, as defined by Cambridge Dictionary (2015), is “an organized effort to give women the same economic, social, and political rights as men.” With this definition, “feminism”; therefore, is not a man-hating philosophy, but it aims to raise awareness to gender equality and women’s emancipation from the tyranny of men.


Philosophy Essay: Performance Enhancing Drugs

Why do so many sportsmen still take performance enhancing drugs ignoring the risk? Is the risk worth the benefit?


«The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, the body and the mind. Doping is contrary to the spirit of sport, erodes public confidence and jeopardizes the health and well-being of athletes»
World Anti-Doping Agency (Anthony, 2014).

This essay aims to provide the definition of performance–enhancing substances and analyze the risks and benefits of their usage for achieving a competitive edge.

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