
Heart of Darkness Essay


When is the symbolism of black and white in Heart of Darkness most apparent?

Heart of Darkness is categorized as a novella, written in 1899 by Joseph Conrad. The story is narrated by Marlow, who describes his voyage up the Congo River and his search for the mysterious ivory trader, Mr. Kurtz. The question of ever present contrast between black and white is best illustrated by a painting that Marlow encounters early in his journey. This painting depicts white blindfolded woman placed in a black background, who is holding a torch in her hand. She is supposed to be the symbol of light that Europeans are ‘’bringing’’ to Congo.


The Poverty Essay About Ukraine

the poverty essay

The poverty essay presented below is a high-quality sample that you can use to write your own paper. It was written by an expert in economics who is an academic writer working on our team. According to the feedback we get from our customers, we can say that is a great way out if you need to buy a paper. We give example essays for students who don’t know how to start their papers. At the same time, we offer writing help for those who don’t want to write their papers at all.

Numerous papers have already been written by our writers. The idea of using our service is great, as you will save time and effort. We help students from all over the world, so you can contact us anytime you want, no matter your time zone. If you are in search of professional writing help, then our service is what you need – you can buy an essay from us 24/7. We are convinced that the following sample will help you to write your own paper. It is free for reading, but you can’t present it as your own paper.

What Is The Main Cause Of Poverty In Ukraine?


Homosexuality Essay


What Is The Biological Basis of Homosexuality in Humans?

Homosexuality in humans is a topic garnering more attention by the day, and is consequently the subject of much academic research in both sociological and biological disciplines. In terms of biological studies, both correlation and causation are relevant to the discussion. Once a correlation between certain biological features and homosexuality has been established, the onus is on researchers to find causality between biology and sexuality, if one exists. In the last 2-3 decades, empirical findings in chromosome linkage and epigenetic studies indicate correlations between specific gene coding, and maternal genetic make-up. These correlational findings have then been combined to support the Early Fixation Hypothesis of sexual orientation.


Narrative Essay Sample


How Far Would You Go For Your Nation?

Our grandparents used to fight wars and we are now able to move around the globe and get a new citizenship, if we want to. This shows a huge gap between generations. Moreover, it shows that new generations are not willing to take drastic actions for their nation. So one is tempted to ask how far would you go for your nation?


Essay About Programming


Why Is Linux Better Than Windows For Programmers?

Linux is the kernel of an operating system which was developed by Linus Torvalds. So when we mean to compare Linux with Windows, what we are really comparing is a usable and complete Linux-based operating system (often called as a ‘distribution’) and the Windows series of usable and complete operating systems licensed by Microsoft. The latter’s kernel is not separately available for public use. Consequently, both operating systems differ in the capabilities that they offer to programmers. (more…)

This Side of Paradise Analysis


Why did Fitzgerald choose This Side of Paradise for the title?

Initially the title for ‘This Side of Paradise’ was ‘The Romantic Egotist’. Fitzgerald changed it to This Side of Paradise being influenced by Rupert Brooke’s poem, Tiare Tahiti. F. Scott Fitzgerald was a contemporary of Rupert Brooke and well versed with the works of Brooke.

Brooke’s focus is on another world when he wrote Tiare Tahiti, undoubtedly the life hereafter. These lines in the poem:


Basics of Psychosocial Assessment Writing


What is a psychosocial assessment and why is it useful to know how to write one? If your profession somehow involves working with people and their health and well being, you can be sure that at some point in your life you will find yourself googling “how to do a psychosocial assessment?” Students of social care and health departments are often familiar with this type of assignment better than everyone else, but it still can be useful for their majors as well. There are some more unexpected perks in learning how to write this type of academic paper. (more…)

How to Format the Annotated Bibliography Effortlessly


An annotated bibliography can be a separate assignment or a part of a bigger research project. Some students believe it’s a useless waste of time, while others claim that writing one helped them greatly during their studies. Let’s have a closer look at what you are supposed to write at the end of your research paper. (more…)

Practical Tips on Writing an Economics Dissertation


Many students face difficulties while writing an economics dissertation. While writing, you may think that this paper will never end. Apart from knowing the economic world, you should also be familiar with some tips for writing your dissertation. Writing a dissertation is a lengthy work that requires dedicated research. You should eliminate all factors that can distract you from your writing. Put every bit of effort to plan and construct your dissertation from scratch. (more…)

A Short Guide on How to Write an Annotated Bibliography


What is annotated bibliography and what exactly do you need to annotate? Welcome to the guide on annotated bibliography writing, which, we hope, will help you finish this task effortlessly.

What Do You Write in an Annotated Bibliography?

Before we start giving you advice on how to write an annotated bibliography, let’s at first figure out what it is. The name of this kind of academic paper indicates the two parts it is divided into: bibliography and annotation. The bibliography is the list of works you used while doing the research. Some students think that it only should include written ones, but this is not correct – modern bibliographies are often called “references” and include every source of information you used while investigating the topic of your research. (more…)

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