
Macy’s Forensic Financial Analysis Report Sample


Several large-scale corporate scandals occurred in the early 2000’s involving financial reporting dishonesty and auditing fraud by corporate board members in multinational companies including Enron Corp., Xerox and WorldCom among others. In response to the losses to public investors, the US government through Senator Paul Sarbanes and House Representative Michael Oxley created the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2000 (SOX), which was aimed at bringing reform and enhancing the rules governing corporate reporting accountability, and auditing standards. These have been progressively adopted as the basis for subsequent amendments and development for new national and international GAAP standards. Macy’s Inc. is a publicly listed company operating a national wide retail business and as such is affected by the significant changes on financial reporting standards brought about by the act. The CEO must review the accounting policies currently in use to ensure compliance with the SOX act. (more…)

Early Childhood Essay

Early Childhood Essay

Early childhood is a period between birth up to the age of eight. Early childhood assessment is a tool or process for answering questions about various aspects of children’s knowledge, skills, behavior, or personality. To get the best results in assessment, teachers should observe children and write notes on their progress. In fact, children in mid elementary school level are required to take district and state assessments. One function of assessment includes addressing and planning for the needs and strengths of students. It weighs students’ developmental progress, encourages objectivity and measures program efficacy. In addition, assessment shows parents how their children are progressing in the learning endeavors. Early childhood assessment comprises of three items. These include data collection, appraisal and family communication. (more…)

Nursing Essay Sample

Nursing Essay Sample

How to Manage and Support the Delivery of Bad News at the Initial Time of Diagnosis of Breast Cancer


Diagnosing medical complications is one of the most beneficial procedures that clinicians and physicians engage in as one of their routine activities in medical centres. Relaying not so pleasant news to any person is one of the hardest roles especially to patients who are under the threat of a deadly disease like cancer. Patients are constantly checked to determine the causes of their diseases and feedback of the tests given.

This has to be done irrespective of the outcome and in most cases; it is always negative feedback (Baile 302-311). Baile et al note that a series of research done from 1950-1970s indicate that most physicians were reluctant in delivering bad news to cancer patients because the treatment prospects were still very uncertain. Despite the situation having changed to modern date where cancer treatment is easily accessible to patients, clinicians and nurses still struggle with the process of delivering bad news due to the skills that are wanting. (more…)

Medical Research Papers: Medication Safety

Medication Safety and Impact of Medication Errors on the Healthcare Industry


Background Information

The institute of medicine (IOM) in 2006 reported that between 380,000 and 450,000 of preventable adverse drug events (ADEs) are experienced in hospitals annually, with the largest proportion of events related to prescribing and administration of medication. Despite the high number and intensity of the training and subsequent vetting that medical professionals undergo, yet healthcare is the most dangerous sector in the world. This state requires an observer to consider the level of complexity of medical practice in order to have a deep insight into this concern. Cima and Clarke (2012) argue that a frontline medical practitioner encounters new medications, new procedures, new research evidence and new technology to integrate in practice. Patients, on the other hand, are increasingly becoming complicated requiring a proportionate increase in diversity of health care workers. Nevertheless, delivering dependable care has never been more challenging than it is now. (more…)

Motivation Essay: Motivating Factors among Young Business People



Companies derive their wealth from human capital. This means that the human resource function is important for increasing the effectiveness of a company. One of the major functions of human resource management is motivating employees. Employees need to be motivated so as to increase their productivity. Without proper motivation structures and systems, employees will not be motivated to work towards achieving an organization’s goals. Managers need to understand the various factors that employees look for in organization to motivate them. This enables managers to formulate strategies and implement them so as to motivate employees. (more…)

Admission Essay Help

All of students need professional admission essay help. Lack of ideas or stylistic and grammar errors are a few of the problems they face while writing. Here are a few tips that will help you with your admission essay.

  1.   Try not to write your essay like a list of your own accomplishments. Your grades show that you are smart, so use your admission essay to show the depth of your personality, and that you are a thoughtful adult.
  2.   Try to lighten your essay with smart metaphors or a touch of humor. That is not important, but helps. However, do not overuse it; your essay can end up more stupid than clever. (more…)
Choose Term Paper Topics

One of the toughest steps when you write term papers can be choosing a topic.
We have suggestions for selecting a topic with a list of some possible topics to help you start the process:

Strategies for Focusing Broad Term Paper Topics

Are you confused by how much different information you are finding? Look at the suggestions below:

Professional Essay Paper

We are ready to help students all around the world who have no time, or have difficulties completing their essay paper, coursework, research papers, thesis, or dissertation. If you are wanting an academic paper that will meet all your needs then you are at the right place. We are one of the most experienced writing services where you can buy custom essays online.

The original essay paper that you can order here is written by professional essay writers, and researchers, with post-graduate degrees in the field of specialization that you need. If you have a problem with your academic essay paper then do not let your grades suffer by not finishing the project. (more…)

Ancient DNA and Biomolecular Archaeology Sample


This research proposal seeks to explain how ancient DNA and bio-molecular archaeology can be used to explain how humans lived in the past and the activities they engaged in. Bio-molecular archaeology concerns studying ancient human DNA collected from sources, such as fossilized teeth and bones and human and plant remains. The proposal uses information gathered from literature review of scholar sources to outline some of the examples in which scientists have used bio-molecular archeology and ancient DNA to investigate the human past. (more…)

High School Research Proposal Sample


Organic foods refer to those foods that are produced by the use of organic methods of farming. Organic farming is agriculture where crop rotation is emphasized with the use of green manure, compost manure and non chemical pest control. From an expert view, organic foods are foods that are planted and grown in an environment devoid of synthetic supplement like the manufactured fertilizers, pesticides and other modern inputs. They are also those foods that are not processed through irradiation, chemical food additives or any form of industrial solvents. Organic foods are also known to take longer to mature due to the natural nature of the growth process. (more…)

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