Al-Qaeda’s Use of Propaganda
Al-Qaeda is a global terrorist organization, which was formally founded in 1998 due to fatwa and press release. The head of al-Qaeda is considered Osama Ben Laden, who was killed on 2nd May in 2011. Since its foundation, the organization has been seeking how to expand the use of broadcast media in the Arabic language. They even pretended to have a media office in the UK in London. Today the branches of this organization are detected in 34 countries of the world. They made a lot of attacks, for example, on the U.S. embassies. (more…)
What is So Amazing and at the Same Time Frightening About Artificial Intelligence?
This question could confuse an attentive reader, because even scientists majoring in this field have not yet come up with the universal definition of intelligence (McCarthy, 2007). For instance, Marvin Minsky defines intelligence as “the ability to solve hard problems” (Minsky, 1988, p. 71). However, to use this definition one should also provide the definition of what a hard problem is. Performing routine calculations, for example, requires significant intellectual efforts. Nevertheless, almost any computer program can do these calculations easily. Therefore, it is obvious that this definition is at least too broad. Another example of a confusing definition of intelligence belongs to Larry Tesler. According to him, artificial intelligence “is whatever hasn’t been done yet” (Narin, 1993, Defining Intelligence section, para. 5).
The Role of Imagination in Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables is a novel written by Lucy Maud Montgomery. It depicts the adventures of a young orphan girl, Anne Shirley, who is mistakenly sent to help Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert to manage their farm on Prince Edward Island. The topic of imagination is the leitmotif of the book, as it defines the actions performed by characters and moves the story forward. Besides, imagination in this novel is not some kind of constant; on the contrary, as the story goes, the character’s ability to imagine evolves and improves.
Was Alice in Wonderland Written as a Children’s Book or as a Satire?
Logic, Absurd Or Genius?
“Alice in Wonderland” was written by English writer Lewis Carroll in the 19th Century. It still makes people believe in themselves and expands the boundaries of their minds today.
In my opinion, I’m not so amazed by this adventure story of a little girl. However, I respect the writer and his thoughts. Lewis Carroll or Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was a person who saw simple things in life from a logical and mathematical point of view. On the one hand, his ideas were genial but on the other hand also absurd. Do you remember this dialogue: “Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.” I suppose this quote confirms the above. I’m fond of this statement more: “Sentence first – verdict afterwards”. The Queen conveys the thoughts of a majority of people nowadays. In spite of the fact that the book was written in the 19th Century, the Queen’s snap judgment is commonly used even in the 21st Century.
Classical view recognizes unemployment where unemployment is caused by excess supply triggered by a high price level of labor. Classical economists believed that full employment could be achieved if forces of demand and supply were left to adjust on their own in order to reach an equilibrium wage. (more…)
Unlike most other traditional societies, the Powhatan community was eccentric given that it was matrilineal in nature. In other words, women of Powhatan had more significant roles than men contrary to what was happening in other communities. In this sense, this essay examines Powhatan women and what their life was like during the colonial period.
Powhatan Women During the Colonial Period
During the colonial period, the Powhatan women also played vital roles in shaping the history of Jamestown. While the male members of the Powhatan community invariably showed hostility towards the settlers, the Powhatan women attempted to extend a helping hand to the intruders 1. (more…)
Team Activity Questions
Case 16
Question 1: Redundancy in EVOC Communication System
The EVOC communication system has some redundancy in its system. Redundancy is a term used to refer to the flexibility of the systems of communication that is found by optional systems or means. Redundancy is vital in that it offers room for multifaceted interchangeability of components that can execute a mutual function and systems for backup, which carry out a function similar to the normal function in the event of malfunction of the main system. EVOC system has the potential to fast track police officers and individual members with unique skills that can be delivered to specific crime scenes whenever there are multiple parallel incidents.
1. Whitaker, R. C. (2004). Predicting preschooler obesity at birth: the role of maternal obesity in early pregnancy. Pediatrics, 114(1), e29-e36.
The writer brings out trouble with many parents in Miami is simply and squarely how to reduce obesity in children. Research indicates that one in every eight children within the preschool age is obese. The problem is that some parents have remained ignorant of monitoring the lifestyle of their children. The consumption of foodstuffs with high levels of calories remains a challenge to parents from wealthier families. A more worrying situation is that the obese children have a likelihood of becoming obese adults. It is extremely bad for a parent to receive the news that his or her child is obese. A number of mechanisms should be employed by parents, government, and health practitioners to ensure that obesity is kicked out among the children. Participating in the babyhood fitness and weight-loss program can help in reducing obesity among the children. (more…)
On the banks of Vltava River stands one of the modern architectural masterpieces of the city of Prague. The Dancing House has an undulating façade with full view of the Prague castle and Charles Bridge. The site lay empty for close to half a century after Americans in the Second World War accidentally bombed the building that preceded it. Admirers of Gehry’s architecture see his efforts as peaceful reparation for the wrongs committed. On the hand, lovers of original Prague architecture see it as the second American invasion of their city. Nevertheless, the Dancing House exhibits everything about the evolving Prague society (Pesch,14).
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I. Introduction
A. Research Problem
Despite Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) being identified as a complex, multidimensional condition requiring multiple treatment approaches, nutritional management is one approach that has been largely ignored. Multiple types of research recognize that foods such as refined sugars, food additives, and fatty acids can be directly linked to ADHD. Additional evidence indicates that individuals with ADHD tend to be exhibit more problems when put on certain diets. (more…)