What Is a Review Article? Get Answers Here!

When students have a task to write an article review, they often get stuck in many challenges. With our BuyEssay guide, you will easily understand how to write an article review, what an article review is, and how to format it with no effort! Many newbies to writing find creating texts a challenging process. Still, by getting in-depth knowledge, they can significantly increase their analyzing skills and write an outstanding article review.

What is a review article

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An Article Review: Basic Characteristics

A review paper is a piece of work based on a previously published research article. It may be a narrative review that provides an explanation of existing knowledge on a specific topic, or it may answer a particular scientific question. Usually, the length of an article review example ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 words. But depending upon the journal, it may be shorter or longer.

Difference of an Article Review and Research Paper

Research Paper

This is an original piece of work based on experimentation, analysis, and the interpretation of results. It has a specific question followed by investigations and analysis to support the findings. It comprises an abstract, introduction, material/method, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Article Review

On the other hand, article review example structure is based on a compilation and analysis of the existing research articles for common descriptions. It is not involved in the material, methods, and experimentation sections, but it has to reflect a background in the introduction, discussion, and conclusion sections.

Benefits of Writing an Article Review Template

  • The student will be more eager to work on something that they know will benefit them. Authors who write article summary examples get better trained to write further projects. It increases not only your knowledge on how to write an article review but increases your scientific score as well.
  • Article review writers get more reads from researchers, hence they will have more chances that the review paper will be cited more. There are many more citations in general review articles, and readers engage more with them than research articles.
  • It improves the writer’s understanding and knowledge concerning the topic. Writing the article format, content, and style analysis doesn’t require additional material research. They rely only on the information presented in the article and references that other authors used for it.

How to Write an Article Review: Step-by-Step Guide

Step #1: Identify what the article is about.

Coming up with the topic idea is a crucial starting point when you need to write an article summary example. If you already have worked in the research field, you have enough knowledge and experience about the topic. Therefore, while reading the article, you can better understand what the author speaks about.

Based on the article you’ve read, choose the topic and define key points from the material you are going to write a review on. It should be neither broad nor narrow.
The topic should be relevant to the article and attract a more suitable audience.

Step #2: Gather all the information concerning the topic. All the corresponding articles, books, and reviews could also be attached. It will help you to choose the right thesis statement and present your work to readers in the introduction. Share your knowledge about the topic and present the stages of your research journey.

Step#3: Once you are clear with your topic and details, make an outline of the whole article review template. This way, you can systematically discuss all points. It is helpful for the author to maintain clarity in mind.

Step #4: Start writing based on an outline. Refer to published articles accurately. Write both of your understanding and interpretation. Avoid borrowing or rephrasing sentences from other articles. Otherwise, read further recommendations on how to organize the article format and include in-text citations properly.

Step #5: Point out the journal where your article review example can be turned into a full-fledged project and be published. Check the guidelines and compare them to your first draft. Consider improving issues before sending the review to the journal.

How You Can Make the Right Article Format: Examples

How to Follow APA Format Article Review

An APA format article review has basic structure requirements:

  • Background
  • Purpose
  • Deliverable
  • Challenges
  • Gaps
  • Correlation
  • Inferences
  • Directions

Simplify things with a table of contents and organize figures from your research clearly and understandably. Article reviews appear most commonly in academic newspapers, websites, and journals. If the author works on an article review in the APA format, they should write bibliographical entries for the sources they use:

Newspaper: Last author’s name, first and middle initial. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Publication Title. Magazine Title, pp. Xx-xx.
Website: Last author’s name, first and middle initial. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Title. Retrieved from (link)
Journal: Last author’s name, first and middle initial. (Publication Year). Publication Title. Periodical Title, Volume (Issue), pp.-pp.

How to Write an Article Review in MLA Format

When you write an article review template in MLA format, consider these recommendations for various sources:

Newspaper: Last, First M. (Middle). “Publication Title.” Newspaper Title (City) Date, Month, Year Published: Page(s). Print.
Website: Last, First Middle Initial. “Publication Title.” Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
Journal: Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Journal Title Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page(s). Database Name. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.

Also, remember, every time the author wants to place a direct quotation or reference a publication, they should use a parenthetical citation to avoid accidental article plagiarism.

Article Summary Example on Health Care

In only one year, Covid-19 has turned from a mysterious illness known to people from a few countries to a disease that has affected millions of people around the world. In a recent Nature article, Alison Abbott discusses how the destructive consequences of the pandemic, such as millions of deaths, economic crisis, and restrictions of social interactions, have taken a significant toll on people’s mental health. Abbott states that according to a survey conducted by the US Census Bureau in December of 2020, around 42% of participants reported symptoms of depression and anxiety, compared to reported 11% in December of 2019. Similar results were reported by surveys conducted in other countries. Researchers around the world suggest that stress caused by Covid-19 will persist long after the pandemic has ended. Such a phenomenon has already been observed in other major events like the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York, which even now, 14 years later, continues to be the cause of post-traumatic stress disorder for an estimated 14% of New York residents and rescue workers. In this article summary, we will discuss some results of the fruitful research.

Although the devastation of the pandemic is hard to deny, it has become a source of a plethora of data related to mental health and the effectiveness of different pandemic management strategies. Marcella Rietschel at the Central Institute for Mental Health in Mannheim, Germany suggests that limited social interactions, fear of the disease, and tensions among families are the main reasons for the distress in the pandemic. Additionally, studies conducted over the last year have discovered that due to their stronger need for social interaction, young people are the most vulnerable to increased psychological issues. The studies also indicate that young women and people with young children or a history of psychiatric disorders are at higher risk than other populations. Epidemiologist Kathleen Merikangas at the US National Institutes of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, points out that this information presents a great opportunity to test how policies in different countries impact the mental health of various social groups such as ethnic minorities.

In an attempt to consolidate the studies, psychoneuroimmunologist at University College London, Daisy Fancourt, launched the Wellcome-funded CovidMinds program. As a part of this program, around 140 studies have been set up in more than 70 countries worldwide. Its main goal is to connect scientists around the world and through the use of standardized questionnaires to compare psychological and political responses across nations. Dr. Fancourt took a lead in one of the studies, the UK COVID-19 Social Study, that has recruited around 70,000 UK adults during the UK’s first March 2020 lockdown. The study, in which every week the participants complete a 10-minute online questionnaire, has already produced some interesting data. For instance, high levels of anxiety and depression did not increase but rather reduced during the lockdown, despite a widespread opinion that lockdowns are the main source of psychological distress.

Additionally, the COVID-19 Health Care Worker Study intends to measure the impact of witnessing large levels of illness and death on health workers. The study is gathering data from 21 countries, including countries in Latin America and Africa, which have a low number of mental health practitioners and compromised availability and types of social care. This data, along with the general population mental health data, will hopefully provide valuable insights on how to manage this and future pandemics.

Works Cited

Abbott, Alison. “COVID’s Mental-Health Toll: How Scientists Are Tracking a Surge in Depression.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 3 Feb. 2021, www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00175-z.

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“What is a review article?” This is the main question students ask themselves before they start writing, and they are absolutely right. Before the writing process, you should prepare references and find out how to address the article format, content, and main idea. At BuyEssay, you’ll get assistance on these questions from reliable writing specialists. You can buy college essays of any complexity level made by qualified writers.

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