The Odyssey Essay – The Power of Storytelling

The Odyssey essay

In terms of the plot (the mythological sequence of events), “The Odyssey” corresponds to “The Iliad.” But it does not tell us about military events, but about wanderings. Scientists call it an epic poem of wanderings. The fate of Odysseus – the glorification of the mind and willpower – comes to the forefront. “Odyssey” corresponds to the mythology of late heroism. It is dedicated to the last 40 days of Odysseus’ return to his homeland. The fact that the center is a return is indicated by the very beginning. The composition is more difficult than in “Iliad.”

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The Power of Storytelling in The Odyssey

The depiction of Odysseus’s heroic deeds and some aspects of the legendary king’s life is the basis of the Odyssey, the epic poem attributed to Homer. The most compelling aspect about the Odyssey is its unquenchable capability of efficiently conveying the importance of storytelling though millennia. Narratives and stories embrace knowledge on norms and values pertaining to a specific culture (Spaulding 156). As a process, storytelling is designed to assist in analyzing various life issues with the purpose of making right-or-wrong conclusion (Spaulding 159).

On these grounds, the power of storytelling is the second to none asset, a must have means of conveying knowledge, entertainment and education to posterity. Concluding that the Odyssey is a merely a story about Odysseus life and certain related events means neglecting to involve careful thought while doing analysis. As a matter of a fact, in his poem Homer introduces storytelling in storytelling, since this epic masterpiece consists in a ceaseless story exchange carried out by the characters.

The reminder of the importance and power of storytelling stretches throughout the poem. For instance, Penelope was rebuked for interrupting the bard in the process of telling a story. While the bard was belting out the song on Odysseus conquests and deeds the latter experienced a wave of emotions leading to a strikingly strong desire of revealing his identity. Oreste’s craving for revenge led him too far, a lot farther than he had expected.

Revenge is another type of hunger that requires tremendous efforts to resists and eventually suffocate, since it is a human’s nature to fervently desire vengeance upon those who wrong us. Being valuable aspects of Greek culture and highly likely an everyday life these stories draws attention nowadays. Although they describe mythological creatures and are falls within the realm of fiction, some of Homer’s stories brings up complex moral dilemmas the modern society is struggling to the date with.

Overall, promoting storytelling in education is preferable and important should the idea of learning lessons from stories rather than from mistakes being given a priority. Besides, stories and storytelling maintain social connections between individuals and groups, since a powerful story may touch hearts, deeply impress and inspire.

Works Cited

  1. Spaulding, Amy. The Art of Storytelling: Telling Truths Through Telling Stories. Scarecrow Press, 2011.
  2. Wilson, Emily, and Homer. The Odyssey. 1st ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2017.

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