Compare and Contrast Essay about Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants and No One’s a Mystery Stories – Exploration of Love, Relationships and Romance


Ernest Hemingway’s Hills like White Elephants short story compares with Elizabeth Tallent’s No One’s a Mystery brief narrative in that both works look at the concepts of love, relationships, and romance. Within Hills like White Elephants, Hemingway indicates that heterosexual love is usually unrequited by the male party. The writer also shows that heterosexual romance typically harms ladies. Further, Hemingway indicates that heterosexual relationships are normally exploitative toward women. The author advances the aforementioned arguments based on the relationship that an unnamed male American has with a lady who is named Jig.
Likewise, Tallent uses the No One’s a Mystery story so as to show that men do not usually reciprocate love in heterosexual relationships. The author further demonstrates that heterosexual romance generally hurts women. In addition, Tallent indicates that heterosexual relationships normally entail the exploitation of women by men. The writer makes the foregoing arguments based on the relationship that a man who is named Jack has with an unnamed teenage lady. In general, Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants and Tallent’s No One’s a Mystery short stories use the relationships between Jig and an unnamed American man as well as Jack and an unnamed lady respectively so as to show that: heterosexual love is usually unrequited by the male party, heterosexual romance typically harms ladies, and that heterosexual relationships are normally exploitative to women.

Within Hills like White Elephants, Hemingway demonstrates that heterosexual love is usually unrequited by the male party based on the aloof attitude of an american man with regard to the woes of Jig. These two characters are in a sort of relationship that is based on love. In spite of this affection, the American man does not engage in actions that affirm his love for Jig. This idea plays out through the fact that the man dismisses almost all of Jig’s concerns.

A striking incident whereby the American man illustrates detachment relates to a point whereby Jig expresses her reservations about some suggested medical procedures. Without providing plausible reasons, the American man adamantly insists that Jig has to go through this process. Such an attitude indicates that, although Jig loves the American man, the male character does not reciprocate such love. In various instances, Jig repeatedly states that she loves the man. This situation indicates that heterosexual love is generally not reciprocated by the male party.

Likewise, Tallent uses No One’s a Mystery so as to indicate that heterosexual love is typically not reciprocated by the male party based on the affection between Jack and a teenage girl. Jack is an elderly man who is loved by a teenage woman. The issue of unrequited love plays out through Jack’s verbalized musings about how either party appraises the affection between the couple. Jack affirms that the lady loves the man but fails to declare his affections for her. This issue illustrates unbalanced love; the woman loves Jack, but Jack remains noncommittal. Through such details, Tallent suggests that heterosexual affection is normally not returned by the male party.

Another aspect that Hemingway explores within Hills like White Elephants relates to the idea that heterosexual romance normally brings problems to ladies. This notion is evident through the troubles that befall Jig based on her romantic affair with the American man. As a result of this romance, the lady apparently becomes pregnant, a development that brings about dangers to Jig. Based on his remarks about the issue, the American man would most likely abandon Jig owing to the pregnancy.

While trying to convince Jig to accept a certain medical procedure, the American man states that this process would enable the duo to continue living happily. Such comments indicate that Jig could be dumped if the lady does not comply with the American man’s demands. As a result, the story indicates that heterosexual romance normally harms ladies.

Similarly, Tallent’s No One’s a Mystery narrative indicates that heterosexual romance normally brings about trouble to ladies. This idea is illustrated through the reflections that the teenage lady makes in relation to her romance with Jack. The woman observes that continued romance with Jack would make her pregnant in a year. More babies would follow in the following years. Considering that the lady is yet to be married to Jack, such an outcome underlines certain harms that ladies usually suffer as a result of romance.

The situation is compounded by the fact that Jack is already married; his wife stumbles upon the husband as he engages in an illicit affair with the teenage girl. Jack quickly hides the teenage woman (Tallent). The preceding developments indicate that the teenage girl would suffer certain harms if she becomes pregnant. As a result, Tallent illustrates that women usually encounter problems owing to heterosexual romance…

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