Annotated Bibliography Sample: Decrease Obesity in Children


1. Whitaker, R. C. (2004). Predicting preschooler obesity at birth: the role of maternal obesity in early pregnancy. Pediatrics, 114(1), e29-e36.

The writer brings out trouble with many parents in Miami is simply and squarely how to reduce obesity in children. Research indicates that one in every eight children within the preschool age is obese. The problem is that some parents have remained ignorant of monitoring the lifestyle of their children. The consumption of foodstuffs with high levels of calories remains a challenge to parents from wealthier families. A more worrying situation is that the obese children have a likelihood of becoming obese adults. It is extremely bad for a parent to receive the news that his or her child is obese. A number of mechanisms should be employed by parents, government, and health practitioners to ensure that obesity is kicked out among the children. Participating in the babyhood fitness and weight-loss program can help in reducing obesity among the children.

2. Baeten, J. M., Bukusi, E. A., & Lambe, M. (2001). Pregnancy complications and outcomes among overweight and obese nulliparous women. American Journal of Public Health, 91(3), 436.

Reducing obesity with fitness and activities is the main concentration of this journal.way of ensuring that children are taken through fitness and weight loss programs to minimize the chances of being obese. This is an obesity reduction program and can be used as a preventive measure. Some parents realize late the essence of fitness in the lives of their children. The parents and learning institutions should collaborate with the NIH to help in combating obesity among the American child.

The programs spearheaded by the NIH and other organizations have the sole purpose of sensitizing children and parents about the need to reduce obesity among children. Community leaders should also participate in this noble course to help the future generation choose living healthy lives at an early stage of their age. The attempt to reduce obesity among children should not focus in the kitchen alone. There are other factors such as proper fitness mechanisms able to promote the fight against obesity in children.

The focus should further be directed to the fields and playgrounds. Children can take part in sports and other equivalent activities in school to engage their bodies in a constructive exercise. Children who take part in team games in school and in other settings have better chances of having a lesser body mass index (BMI). Games such as basketball, martial arts, swimming, and sprinting can unconsciously get children moving (Donahue, et al., 1996).

Deliberate attempts to lose excess weight through can also help in reducing obese cases in children. Parents and teachers can be actively involved in ensuring that children do not spent their leisure time in less involving activities such as screen games and excessive television viewing (Robinson,1999). Video games have been associated with putting the children in situations where they do not engage in activity.

Parents, guardians and teachers can promote a different view where children are encouraged to consider active games other than inactive ones. This should be in line with discouraging excessive screen time. Too much television watching increases sitting behaviors and can easily lead to unneeded weight gain (Institute of Medicine, 2013).

Reasonable quantity of food for children is necessary because they require same proportions and variety of nutrients to those of adults and older children. A number of parents and guardians rarely have informed views of the right types of nutrients children require to grow. Without this knowledge, children are carelessly fed with whatever parent think is good (Ozner, 2008). Feeding the children has remained a difficult and frustrating exercise especially when the caregivers lack the knowledge of what the children need to grow.

Some of the nutrients given to children are not essential their growth. Children should not be fed with food whose calorie levels exceed 1,200 per day. To ensure a balance, the calories should be properly distributed in grain, vegetable, fruit, milk, meat and bean groups (Ciampa, et al 2010). Parents should also have a good plan of two to three snacks at particular moments of the day to serve the purpose of refueling little, vigorous bodies.

Sensitizing schoolchildren on matters pertaining food, nutrition, and eating habits to make sure that they do not see the steps taken by parents and teachers, as a matter of denying them some foods is essential. Miami has a number of schoolchildren who are overweight and there is a need to ensure that such children are informed of the dangers of not watching their weight (McCarthy, et al., 2006). This should be carefully done to avoid scaring children in Miami because being obese has little to do with what somebody weighs.

This activity aims at letting children eat healthy and giving them basic information about the poor eating habits that can increase the chances of being obese. Food safety mechanisms and the activities they can engage themselves in before taking part in any eating habit should also be at the center of focus. Human beings have a potential within themselves to change and this means that enlightening children with such information can inspire them to change and reduce the chances of being obese…

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