An Article Review Example That Will Help You

An article review is a brief but comprehensive presentation of the main ideas of the article. The main purpose is to create a complete picture of the work from various perspectives. However, this is not just a retelling. First of all, the emphasis is on the main thoughts and content. We are here to present a journal review example that can help with your writing.

An Article Review Example

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Article Review Example: APA

The article titled “Factors Associated with Suicidal Phenomena in Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Population-Based Studies” by Emma Evans and her colleagues at the Centre for Suicide Research at the University of Oxford, published in 2004, in Clinical Psychology Review, analyzes a large number of studies in several recent decades (2004, pp. 957-979). The authors set themselves the task of systematizing the studies about the possible reasons (factors) that lead to suicide.

The article is especially interesting to the American reader, since it is an example of bibliographic research in US science. It is on the basis of such studies that scientifically based working hypotheses can be put forward with a view to their further experimental verification. Studies of this type also allow us to draw some practical conclusions and recommendations for professionals who somehow encounter suicidal behavior in adolescents in their work.

The initial literature search on the problem of interest to the authors was carried out in the following databases: PsychLit, Medline, EMBASE, Sociological Abstracts, ERIC, the Australian Education Index, and the British Education Index.

While searching the databases, the following basic terms were selected: suicide, parasuicide, overdose; teenager, boy/girl, student, child; review, questionnaire, interview. In the term “suicidal phenomenon,” as the authors themselves explain, they put the following meanings: “suicidal attempts,” “intentional self-harm” (Evans et al., 2004, pp. 958-959).

The further selection of literature took place according to the following criteria: the data of the study in question was collected in open communities (and not, say, in clinics); more than 90% of the sample should have been between 12 and 20 years old; those in the sample either answered the questionnaire on their own or answered similar questions in an interview; and in the study in question, the prevailing causal factor of the suicidal phenomenon was to be distinguished.

The connections between the suicidal phenomenon and the causes of it were grouped by the authors of the article in four sections: mental and physical health, personal characteristics and qualities, family environment, and educational and social factors.

The authors begin their review by considering the possible causes of the suicidal phenomenon associated with mental health. The relationship between the suicidal phenomenon and mental disorders was analyzed in five studies (multivariate analysis conducted only in two studies out of five confirmed the significance of this connection). Between anxiety and the suicidal phenomenon, in nine studies (multivariate analysis carried out only in two studies did not confirm the significance of this connection); between antisocial behavior (hostility, bullying, and other deviations) and the suicidal phenomenon, in seventeen studies (multivariate analysis conducted in only four studies confirmed the significance of this connection in three of them, and in two it also showed that this connection is significant for girls, but not for boys). Between eating disorders and the suicidal phenomenon, in eight studies (multivariate analysis conducted only in the first study did not confirm the significance of this relationship); between sleep disorders and its consequences (fatigue, nightmares, etc.) and the suicidal phenomenon, in four studies (multivariate analysis conducted only in the first study confirmed the significance of this connection).

A number of studies (about 26) are devoted to elucidating the relationship between the suicidal phenomenon and depression.

There are lots of descriptive phenomenological studies of the suicidal phenomenon. The point is to subtly and skillfully combine in one study data on physiological, psychological,
sociological, and other processes obtained by a variety of methods: clinical, test, experimental, discursive, educational, etc.


Evans E., Hawton K., Rodham K., (2004). “Factors Associated with Suicidal Phenomena in Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Population-Based Studies.” Clinical Psychology Review, 24 (8), 957-979.

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